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Explore our 'i before e except after c' activities for interactive spelling practice. Ideal for 2nd to 5th grade. Include exceptions. Passages perfect for centersexplicit instructionintervention and revision.


Looking for an 'i before e except after c' activities for spelling practice or word work activity? Well, look no further!


→ Perfect for word work during reading rotations

→ Revision activities - word sort and word work game!

→ Supports spelling programs

→ Teaches the exceptions to the rule

→ Pictures to support decoding



→ 3x fun and quirky stories for I BEFORE E RULES & EXCEPTIONS

→ Matching activity sheet including comprehension questions

→ Word Sort Revision activity

→ Answers included


Students read through the passage to find the target spelling patterns. Students then complete the supporting page to list the words they identified, answer the comprehension questions, use them in a sentence and then show they have comprehended the text by drawing a picture.



30 fill in the blank / match up activity cards included, covering:

★ ie words

★ ei, after c

★ exceptions or ei words


Laminate and cut up for an easy activity for students to practise this common and important spelling rule!

I BEFORE E except after c + exceptions - Reading Passages Worksheets & Word Work

Excluding GST

    Sherbert Learning

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